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Please note: This software is supplied 'As Is' - In most cases the software company does not provide technical support. PC Answers will answer problems arising from installing full software on this disc but is unable to answer general computer enquiries.




By: Security and Standards
Contact: HomePage
System: Win 95/98/NT/2000/Me
Limitations: None - full program


Secure records of Online transactions with Growl

How do you know that the site you are browsing is legal and secure? How do you know which trade associations and credit cards really are connected to the site? Or how can you tell if the site is not a clone of the real thing? This is where Growl can help you out.

Growl includes a simple 'Traffic Light' system which indicates the level of security in place at any web site you visit, this is performed automatically at any web site that you visit. If you are not sure of any associations or credit card, Growl will put your mind at rest. If the 'Traffic Light' system is not enough for you, Growl provides further details which allow you to make a fully informed judgement about the site.

In order to use Growl it is necessary to register free through the security and standards web site. Shortly after filling in the Online registation form (Click Here) you will recieve an email from Security and Standards Ltd. which will contain your personal ID and Password. When first running Growl you will be required to enter this Customer ID and Password. It is recommended that you restart your computer after installing and registering Growl.

Important Windows 95
In order to use Growl with Windows 95 you will need to have Winsock2 installed. Winsock2 is a free upgrade from Microsoft which you can download by following this link. Winsock2




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